Friday, August 02, 2013
Grandchildren's Walk, Saturday's Rally
Our walk ended with a lively march, escorted by the police, from St Stephen's Church to Lafayette Park, facing the White House. We were greeted by friendly supporters all along the route. Our message to the President was “Keep your promise” on the Keystone, XL Pipeline, something that recent remarks indicate he is inching towards. Our 75-odd marchers now numbered around 350, swelling to near 500 at the Park, where a lively crowd greeted us. So did a SWAT team, who were there to investigate a bomb threat. Our formal rally was thus delayed by almost an hour, but nobody left.
And then came Mahan, whose speech was an arrow straight into my heart. At 79, he was our oldest marcher (Leigh at 11 was the youngest). A retired Baptist preacher, he spoke eloquently about the responsibility of the Boomers present. We have unprecedented life expectancies and wealth – neither of which our grandchildren will have – and an unprecedented challenge. “Don't retire – RECOMMIT!” Then he gave us a fitting image for what was unfolding at this rally. He asked those under 19 to make a central circle, facing out to the rest of us. We reached our hands towards each other, some grabbing hold, others holding shoulders and backs, like a healing. He described two arcs, one of the children reaching up from the earth, a second of the over-65's rising to meet it, forming a Keystone.
“They are not the Keystone, we are, at this place of meeting. Let's take back this lovely word.” His words and our action said it all.. Friends, may we all answer Mahan Siler's challenge and retake the Keystone, resting the whole butressed rainbow in God's everloving hands.
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