1987. Reagan,
Gorbachev, and Thatcher were in power. It was a year where we
witnessed the first naked-eye supernova explosion since 1604, Aretha
Franklin became the first woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall
of Fame, and the Minnesota Twins won the World Series. In October, on
Black Monday the stock market saw its biggest one-day drop. World
population reached 5 billion.
And in 1987, atmospheric CO2 levels
reached 350ppm. Bill McKibben and his young colleagues chose this
number to name their international climate activist network. It
represents the theoretical limit of safe levels of CO2, a climate
that is favorable to human life on Earth. Though the IPCC continues
to hold 450ppm CO2 as the upper risk limit, a
key study of paleological climate data by James Hansen and his associates puts it
at 350. With high respect for Hansen, 350.org has worked
tirelessly for years to make this number iconic, a benchmark for
their efforts to awaken the world to the imminent dangers of
irreversible climate change.
Both friendly critics and cynics point
out that fixing on 350 is an unattainable fantasy, making the entire
premise of the organization a false one. As one of those friendly
critics, I would have to say that the number is unattainable short of
global financial collapse. Even then, the carbon we have emitted
takes 20 years to cycle through the biosphere, so its full greenhouse
effects are unfinished. For instance, to the delight of climate
skeptics, we have hovered around a .8 degree rise in the average
global temperature for several years, But since the last major El
Nino event in 1997-98, an extra .2C has been held in the oceans, and
will not be released until the next big one.
In the spring, that
looked likely for this fall, but the trade winds have resumed their
usual east-west pattern, so the heat will remain locked in for
awhile. Meanwhile, we passed 400ppm in May. With carbon
emissions steadily increasing (except for a slight pause during the
global recession n 2008), we have not even moved to a carbon-neutral
emissions posture, much less a carbon-negative one.
If Hansen and McKibben are right, and
350ppm represents our precautionary limit, 1987 marked our apogee as
a global civilization. In a remarkable coincidence, that was also
the year in which human beings gobbled up
ALL of
the earth's annual biotic production. We now consume it by
mid-August, right about now, thus exceeding annual earth biotic
production by 35%. In other words, we are consuming our biotic
capital at an ever increasing rate. The cartoons showing the earth diminishing as bulldozers cut into her innards are no joke. No
amount of economic spin can avoid this key fact. Though economic
growth in advanced economies is less dependent upon natural
resources, there is no getting around the need for minerals, soil,
forests, and a balanced, functional biosphere, the famous “ecosystem
services” that are definitely not in the service sector. I have
often said that the Clinton years represented the peak of our
society's wealth, but the hidden watershed was 1987, with this
fateful coincidence of CO2 emissions and last-ditch biotic
1987 was also the
year my friend Sunderlal Bahuguna accepted the Right Livelihood Award
on behalf of Chipko, a woman's movement which preserved the Himalayan
forest above 1000 meters. By 1988, James Hansen was giving
congressional testimony on the imminent danger of global warming, and
the IPCC was formed by the UN's World Meteorological Council. In
1989 the Berlin Wall fell, as the Soviet Union collapsed. It was a
pivotal time.
The day after Black
Monday, as I faced my class at Emory University I asked the business
majors, the majority of my flock, about their confidence in a system
in which most economic gains involved finance, not production. Every
one of them fully believed the system would hold. And if you look at
the subsequent growth of the market and figures for GDP, it has.
But next time you read a report by mainstream economists, remember
that whatever Wall Street and Big Government say, we peaked in 1987.
That was as good as it gets.
NOTE: Under the guidance of the IPCC,
the nations of the world have committed to holding the increase in
atmospheric temperature to 2 degrees Centigrade. Since this number
was accepted as the norm, several studies have indicated that a safer
maximum should be less, between 1 and 1.5 C. One writer recently pointed to
2007 as the year we passed the point of noreturn, at .76C. Though this seems pretty extreme, that year marked
the completion of the 20-year carbon cycle that began in 1987.
# posted by Robert McGahey @ 11:50 AM