“But Pharaoh's
heart was hardened...”
If the ice will melt in the heart of
man, then perhaps we will see a sustainable world (sic). Thus
spoke Uncle Anga, Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq, founder of IceWisdom
International and an Eskimo-Kalaallit elder from Greenland. He was
here in 1978, ten years before James Hansen addressed Congress on the
looming problem of global warming, and told an audience that the ice
was melting, as his tribal elders had forewarned. He received a
standing ovation.
Tonight, at a solemn, but hopeful
interfaith service at the magnificent Cathedral of St. John the
Divine, this simple but powerful elder from the North spoke again
about the ice melting. The ice sheet that covers Greenland was 5
kilometers thick in the 1960's. It is now 2 kilometers thick, its
own meltwaters rapidly greasing a further skid into the North
Atlantic. Twice during his address, Uncle Anga said it was “TOO
To the logical mind, the Eskimo elder's
remarks may seem contradictory. But the theme of this
remarkable evening was the Phoenix. Two towering, magnificent birds
flew above us, buffering the distance to the high vaulted cathedral
ceiling. The Reverend James Forbes, who once preached at Riverside
Church, embraced the theme, pulling together this brilliant pagan
story with Noah's Ark, nimbly conflating the sacrificial Phoenix with
the dove and the raven of Genesis. The Phoenix burns, the Phoenix
rises from the ashes, infinitely, like Hindu creation cycles. God
destroys creation, but leaves an Ark as seed for the next.
But Uncle Anga was more understated,
simply putting forth the two kinds of ice, inner and outer.
Understated that is, until he called to his ancestors, his howls and
moans reverberating through the vast Cathedral, as he amplified his
remarkable tonal range with two large circular skin-frames forming a
kind of musical bellows to project his anguished cry back through the
aeons to those First Elders of the far North. The twin Phoenixes
silently soared on through the cathedral sky.
Behind him,
Sojourners' Jim Wallis, who had just
given a fine sermon on how Climate Change had reordered his list of
social gospel issues, gobbling them all, winced as Uncle Anga sent
out cry after cry, howl after howl into the Night, resounding from
the cathedral vaults. It's not often Jim Wallis and Jesus's
compelling social gospel is upstaged. But Uncle Anga just had, simply
recounting the story of polar ice, it's mighty foundation and
prophesied melt, taking global civilization with it. Yet he held out
for the heart of man to melt –
and thus for the Phoenix to rise.
Before him, calling
us to “This Moment,” Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th generation
keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe Bundle for all branches of the
Sioux, in resplendent headdress, recalled the white calf bookends of
his people's history. The white calf marked the coming into material
form of their Mother Deity, and, fulfilling the prophecy of Dire
Times, he spoke of several white calves born n recent years. One
won't do it for hard-headed White Civilization; we need a succession
of them to awaken us. So Uncle Anga, too, was back, pronouncing
climate doom 35 years after a standing ovation, soon drowned out by
implacable business-as-usual from the last empire.
As congregants
entered the cathedral, we were each given a stone by a costumed
troglodyte for ritual use in the service. Each speaker made a
personal commitment, then walked to the altar, placing their stone as
a sign. The most striking instance was when Terry Tempest Williams
made a public promise to “lay my body down” along with a close
band of friends at the site of the first tarsands project slated for
the US in her native Utah.
Speaking for the
civil rights community, Atlanta's towering Gerald Durley deposited
his stone after promising that his constituency would be “the rock”
of the climate movement (indeed, people of color were quite
prominent at the march earlier in the day, unlike previous climate
rallies I have attended). Al Gore promised to keep up the fight to
his dying day.
When the time came,
I deposited my stone in a primitive barrow, which was later wheeled
to the main altar by a person dressed as a medieval peasant. I had
not discerned my own commitment yet, but I wanted to take part in the
rite, and did so as a place-saver until I found what that might be.
In the interim, my wife and I have decided to max out our inverter
and add two more solar panels on a pole, since those on our rooftop
cover all the usable space. We also are shifting as much as possible
from cow dairy to goat and sheep products, since these ungulates emit
less methane (we haven't eaten beef for decades).
This service,
orchestrated by Union Theological Seminary and numerous partners, was
as thoroughly planned as the March, a magnificent array of voices
from many traditions, with superb musical intervals by
artists-in-residence Paul Winter and the brilliant and sensitive
percussionist John Arrucci, as well as a mixed quartet of Cathedral
Choir singers who exquisitely offered simple chants as well as a
complex composition by a modern Egyptian composer Mohamed Abdel
Al-Fattah's on the theme of Ai-Yu, expressing “awe, excitement, and
wonder” at the penultimate moment of the latest Phoenix, the
Phoenix of the Anthropocene.
the Phoenix theme is an old one, and Earth nowhere near finished with
her evolutionary tapestry, Uncle Anga reminded us that it is too
late. Too late
unless our collective hearts melt, and we awaken into a chastened
human community restored to an integrated place in a diminished, but
surviving web of life. Weep, my reader, reaching deep within yourself
to find that wailing voice which connects with your own First
Ancestors. May those tears initiate the kneading of your hearts
until they melt into the living waters of New Life. The old Phoenix
must die.
# posted by Robert McGahey @ 8:56 PM