With respect to climate change, this
party advocates the following: 1) “technology driven, market based
solutions that will decrease emissions”; 2) “mitigate the impact
of climate change...”; and 3) a call for “global efforts to
address climate change.” It adds that the world's poorest “would
suffer terribly if climate change is severe – just as they would if
the world economy itself were to be crippled. We must not allow
either outcome.”
Sound familiar? In stark contrast,
same party's 2016 platform alleges that “environmental
extremists in the Democratic Party” are working to “sustain the
illusion of an environmental crisis.” The party would “forbid
the EPA to regulate carbon dioxide,” and “do away with the
Clean Power Plan,” abolishing the EPA as we know it, to be replaced by a
bi-partisan commission answerable to the states, not the Feds. The
party platform would halt funding for the UN Framework Convention on
Climate Change, under whose auspices the Paris Agreement was forged
(through an extraordinary act of global diplomacy). It rejects
outright the Paris Agreement, and would authorize its candidate to
unilaterally withdraw from the agreement. Their nominee has said
that climate change is a “hoax.”
How far the Republican Party has come
on this issue, as with so many others, since the 2008 election. This
is not because the electorate has shifted in a conservative
direction, but because the democratic process of representative
government was hijacked by the brilliant maneuvering of party
operatives who used their control of state houses to gerrymander
congressional districts in the majority of states after the 2010
census. Popular votes for Congress have amassed a plurality of votes
for Democratic candidates in each election since 2010, but due to
redistricting, the Republican Party now has a stranglehold on
Congress. The most infamous of these districts nationwide is NC's
12th, which runs from Charlotte to Greensboro, respecting no county
lines, city limits, nor any test of common sense.

The 2016 Democratic Party platform on
climate change is the mirror opposite of their colleagues'. It
acknowledges climate change as a “real and urgent
threat...requiring ambitious, immediate action across our economy.”
“We cannot leave our children a planet that has been profoundly
damaged,” it adds. Democrats would “close the Hallilburton
loophole stripping the EPA of its ability to regulate [fracking],”
and it would “price carbon to reflect the negative externalities”
(i.e. environmental damage which is not reflected in corporate
balance sheets). Thus they would push for a carbon tax.
The climate debate is effectively over,
with the Paris Agreement marking a global consensus. To withdraw
from it, as the currently unrecognizable GOP demands, would severely
cripple any foreign policy agenda of our president, in addition to
effectively dooming global civilization. The document was carefully
crafted not to be a treaty (contrasted with the Kyoto Accord, which
the US never ratified), and is thus a matter of executive action,
rather than Senate ratification.
It is a global tragedy that a reality
tv personality, an amoral narcissist with absolutely no political
experience, has become the standard-bearer of the GOP. He has
thoroughly embarrassed a once-great political party, reducing its
legislative leaders to forced acquiescence to outright lies.
Regardless of what you think of his opponent, members of all parties,
as well as those unaffiliated who continue to reflect the fiercely
independent spirit of the mountain people, should think long and hard
before voting for a demagogue who has made a mockery of our political
process. The short-sighted electoral maneuverings of party operatives
have unfortunately insured his rise to prominence, and removed
moderate politicians from both major parties, whose leavening
presence once allowed governance of this hugely diverse country. The
system is badly broken, just when we desperately need it to work.
The solution would be to turn redistricting over to nonpartisan
commissions (which a handful of states have). In the meantime, the
planet is burning, and we have a crucial choice to make in November.
# posted by Robert McGahey @ 8:57 PM