you, I am dismayed by the tone of the present election. That tone
has meant that attacks on and defenses of personal character have
displaced many of the most important issues facing our country and
the world. These include campaign finance reform, with Citizens
United looming largest, banking reform, and the usage of public
lands. But the largest omission overshadows all the rest, namely the
worsening global eco-crisis. Above all is climate change, which
permeates all the other issues. This blog has always been dedicated
to alerting my fellow global citizens to this overriding danger, and
to dialogue about how best to address it. My last post addressed the
absence of electoral debate on climate, which at least got some
air-time in each of the last two elections. As I noted there, in
2008 the Republicans even had a platform plank arguing for addressing
its real and present danger.
I want to address not climate, but the climate of the election. Even
before the election results, our nation is in deep need of healing
the split which threatens to widen into a rift. Some have even
warned of “civil war.” As the election frenzy continues to its
climax, now less than two weeks away, it is time to initiate a
process of forgiveness and healing, a process which will need to
continue long afterwards. Hopefully, the election results will be
accepted by both sides and we can move forward in response to the
immense challenges which face our country and the world. If they are
not, then this work will be even more important, and much more
election is no longer a single date, but a protracted process. The
number of early voters is headed towards record levels. But election
day is still the focal point, and the time we vote as neighbors in
our neighborhoods. On that day, I want to propose that clergy of all
stripes and from all sides in this battle be present at polling
places to pray for forgiveness of one another, and for moving forward
with compassion for all sides and at least a baseline level of
respect for each other. As a Quaker, I strongly believe there is
that of God in everyone, and when we truly accept this in one
another's presence, it has a mutually positive effect. The closer
that acknowledgement comes to being unconditional, the more the
possibility of healing, even transformation from neighbor into
commit to working for this kind of witnessing, non-partisan presence
on election day in Yancey County, NC. If we can't have a prayerful
presence in every precinct, then at least we can have a group of
citizens from both sides in the town square, with appropriate
placards. For those signboards I propose the language my wife quoted
in a recent Quaker Meeting as she prayed for healing and unity in our
nation: One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and
justice for all. If you have a
better vehicle, please respond at this site. But we need to do this,
and I will be speaking with County Commissioners from both parties
(one of the Republicans is a personal friend) as
well as pastors in the next
couple of days about this leading,
so lay out your mind and heart as soon as you can. Please.
Labels: 2016 election, Citizens United, civil war, climate change, climate debate, global eco-crisis, NC, that of God in everyone, Yancey County
# posted by Robert McGahey @ 10:31 AM