So the alienation
and division of labor led to a moral anaesthesia in the youthful
industrial revolution. That anaesthesia has grown, with the best
modern commentary coming from Jacqus Ellul and his
critique of "technique,” through which unbridled efficiency comes to rule all
business operations and eventually social relations as well. The
same dynamic which made pacifism difficult for Birmingham Friends
holds true for the modern dilemma, likely our final one, of climate
disruption, caused by unleashing stored carbon through the
increasingly efficient modes of production of the industrial
revolution, which was already firmly established by Samuel Galton’s
time. We no longer have control of the process, and though we can
influence the rate of carbon release to some degree, the
thoroughgoing imbeddedness of human lives in the “infernal” - see
William Blake, my favorite Christian prophet next to Jesus –
techno-industrial machine has probably doomed the effort. At this point, the
atmosphere and oceans already hold too much carbon, and we need to
create vast new carbon sinks. Unfortunately, this requires a scale
that only an industrial state can manage, with Faustian efficiency.
Case in point. I
have a friend who turned in his driver’s license several years
back. He lived in an owner-built yurt, grew a large garden, kept
chickens and ducks, hunted and fished. As his daughter grew older, he
watched as his wife chauffeured that daughter to all her pre-teen
activities, feeling a heavy burden of guilt towards his family. He
was a passionate ecologist, but this just wasn’t fair. So he got
his driver’s license back, and drawn by the energy of commerce and
the power of mechanical engagement, bought a big new truck (the first
new vehicle of his life) and acquired a business, which he and his
wife have grown (an ecological one, fixing motherboards for
commercial dryers), doubling its workforce. They now travel around
the world, and their business is booming. I recently asked
him if he still had a garden, and he answered that he didn’t have
time. Same for the poultry. He does still hunt deer, which he can
watch in the broad expanse behind the cabin he bought and remodeled.
He does not use the high-tech gadgets that many local hunters have

My point is that,
whereas my friend previously tried to live as simple and
self-sufficient life as possible, he now has a busy, complex life,
with a huge balance sheet of eco-sins and eco-virtues. Nothing is
simple for him or his family anymore. I’ve known others who have tried to live simpler lives, subsisting in teepees,
putting up food. But in every case, life’s necessities have led
them into something more comfortable and economically sustainable.
When we moved back to the NC mountains at the millennium, we managed
with one car. I organized carpools, and more often borrowed friends’
cars (the chief person, who had the most cars in the family fleet,
called me on this inconsistency after several months). We recently
acquired a second Prius, so that, with Geeta commuting for work 8
days a month, I wouldn’t need to drive the farm truck (acquired
from the friend who surrendered his license; we live a in a small
world out here) to Asheville to visit family and go to choral
rehearsals on at least a weekly basis. That makes three vehicles.
Funny, but when I asked the motherboard man several years ago if he
would join me in creating a local transportation network for us rural
mountain folk, he scoffed, saying that Asheville (48 miles distant)
was not “local.”
The big push among
enviros is to create a 100% renewable energy system. Among
progressive architects, it’s to create zero-emissions buildings.
Green farmers aim for even more, which is to grow carbon-negative
crops, with the most exciting possibilities coming from
agro-forestry. Just recently, the Asheville City Council joined many
larger cities in voting to make city buildings and functions 100%
renewable by 2030. Trouble is, the city controls but a tiny fraction
of Asheville real estate. And there’s no farmland in WNC available
for young folks who want to change modes of production.

But “renewables”
are yet another industrial mode, with gains in efficiency of
producing energy, still bearing industrial-level costs. The rare
earth metals required in wind turbines and solar panels come almost
exclusively from China, where activities associated with their
mining and transport have devastated entire traditional farming
communities and endangered their water supply. All of the plans that
will save us from burning all the stored carbon and methane in the
earth’s crust are simply redirections of the Elephant which is our
techno-industrial say of life. To be embraced, they must be as
unnoticeable and painless as possible. The not-so-hidden premise of
all these proposals is to preserve the system. Preserving the Earth,
and her “ecosystem services” without which global capitalism
could not exist, remains mostly at a cognitive level. If we felt
this in our entrails, then we would join
Ned Ludd and his crowd and throw off our industrial, statist chains.
Carbon costs are not
simply convertible to dollars through a tax, no matter how carefully
structured (a fair tax would cost many times what is being proposed,
with a racheting up that would never be achieved before Doomsday, at
even the most rapid rates of proposed increase). Our economic
activity should be measured in carbon dioxide expenditures, the
dollars be damned! But this kind of thinking is limited to a few
rogue economists, anarchists, and idealists, who have not made much
headway during the Climate Emergency.
I recently read a
review of William Vollman’s
Carbon Ideologies, an extensive
report published in two volumes as fiction, since his publishers
lacked the courage to publish the facts. Among his chillingly
telling points was to point out how catastrophic it will be for India
to raise its standard of living even to the level of Namibia; they
are dead set on becoming like us as quickly as possible, and making
progress. Why shouldn’t the poor want to live with the comforts of
the rich? This is the human dilemma.
In the fall of 2000
I attended a life-altering training with Joanna Macy in leading
despair and empowerment groups. Her husband Fran made periodic
reports to us on the news of the world, as it affected climate
disruption. One morning, he announced that China had just been voted
into the WTO. A poet in the group immediately burst into tears –
an example of the kind of moral imagination we lack so badly. Her
reaction was one of the most memorable moments of a powerful
fortnight. The world has doubled its carbon emissions since that
date, largely due to China’s unprecedented rate of industrial
In such a world, we
need a total restructuring of the economic-political model. Thomas
Berry said in
his final book that we needed a “Re-invention of
the human, at the species level.” Think tanks and fringe socialist
are not going to do that. Nor are California crystal-worshippers.
Social evolution is moving rapidly towards the complete embrace of
technique, in Ellul’s sense. The evolution of consciousness
operates at the personal level, not the group. Biological evolution
takes a long time, but given the immense power evolution on this
planet has shown, with niches rapidly expanding after each large
extinction event, I place hope in Nietzsche’s insight that we are a
bridge species, that must
- “go over,” “go beyond,” transcend itself, through
traveling the immensely thin archipelago to a future conscious
species, an
Overman characterized by emotional intelligence
and moral imagination, not just overdeveloped frontal lobes
hard-wired to a reptilian brain-stem.
Make love, not
war, said the bonobo to the
on a remote camera, a troupe of baboons once spontaneously
sat down by a deep pool in
the midst of the forest, staying for half an hour, even their young
mostly stilled. Just as suddenly as they had halted, they got up and
went about their foraging business. A
simple life framed in silence, a possibility for highly evolved
primates with a mystical bent embraced – but never fully
realized – by the Society of Friends.
Labels: 100% renewables, Caron Ideologies, Jacques Ellul, Joanna Macy, moral anaesthesia, Ned Ludd, technique, Thomas Berry, Ugly American, William Vollman, WTO, zeri emmissions
# posted by Robert McGahey @ 5:18 PM