Dear Friends and
Today, I write you
at the beginning of a new era in American politics – I pray a very
short one. Never in my wildest imaginings did I think it would come
to this. I am shell-shocked, incredulous. The president-elect makes
Nixon look like a progressive (created by the political climate of
1970, when I attended the first Earth Day), and Reagan a relatively
harmless genial grandfather, though his policies created a launching
pad for Mr. Trump. George W. Bush, with all his failings, at least
acknowledged the reality of climate change on several occasions, as
did the 2008 Republican platform. That platform even insisted we had
an obligation to the poor who were at risk from its ravages, already
threatening their shores.
Climate justice in a Republican platform,
two cycles ago.
The list of
hard-won accomplishments in the last eight years that Trump plans to
do away with is frightening. You all know that list, which, when
erased, would indeed wipe away Barack Obama's legacy. The pivotal
role of the Supreme Court going forward is key to much of what Trump
intends to undermine. At the very least, the Roberts Court will go
forward with a 5-4 conservative balance, and the probability of one
or more of the liberal octogenarians being replaced during Trump's
term is quite high, which would entrench that majority for another
I speak from a
place of privilege, a white male with a PhD, comfortably retired. I
am personally protected from the harm that Trump has either promised
or darkly hinted at, aimed at women (especially abortion rights),
undocumented workers, and the LGBT community. Muslims, both within
and without our borders, most of all climate refugees from the Middle
East, have been especially targeted.
However, as a human
being living in the Anthropocene period, I am hugely vulnerable to
his most momentous threat, to withdraw as soon as possible from the
Paris Accord which was negotiated last December, and went into effect
just last week under the looming shadow of the US election. The odds
of preventing catastrophic climate change are slim at best. Without
an international agreement pushing nations to set and periodically
ratchet up their carbon emissions reductions, those odds go from slim
to virtually zero.
One of the climate
warrior organizations to which I subscribe wrote today that the Paris
Accord would go forward without us, and the rest of the world would
continue to develop renewable energy so rapidly that we would be
caught up in the economic tide. But let's not kid ourselves. The US
and China, as the biggest emitters, need to lead the rest of the
world in the energy revolution. We are rapidly running out of time,
and the US's leaving the pact, just as it is getting on its feet,
would effectively kill this fledgling effort. The Paris Accord only
has a chance to dampen climate disruption if a culture of peer
nations, each trying to outdo the others in their pace of carbon
reduction through periodic review, is quickly established. Any
remnant of “greatness” left in our country would manifest in
competition with China to be first among those peers. To align
“greatness” with an attempt at rapid expansion of our economy,
powered by an all-out expansion of fossil fuel extraction, would be
even more devastating now than it was in the Reagan era.
As for China, they
are poised for leadership in the huge renewable energy market, once
we abdicate as their chief competitor. This happened before, when
Reagan tore down the solar collectors on the White House roof after
defeating Jimmy Carter and mothballed the emergent solar energy
revolution. Carter's plan for foreign aid during his second term
centered on capitalizing the shift in developing countries to
renewable energy for providing their increasing need for power. The
far-seeing Carter, our only engineer-president, saw this as a way to
leapfrog over the destructive fossil fuel pathway. I know this from
a member of the energy team he had assembled at the end of his first
tem. This was a huge blow to the climate struggle, even before we
realized what we were doing. This was thirty-five years ago, when
CO2 registered 339 ppm. We are well past the point where we can
afford a second blow of this scale. Forgive them, for they know
not what they do. Yes, Lord, in
1980. And now? The Creator's
forgiveness is
endless. Not so the Earth.
So what are we to
do? If Thomas Berry's prayer for “the re-invention of the human at
the species level” is answered rapidly enough, it won't matter that
we won't have an international agreement or governments committed to
reducing emissions and building a post-carbon energy infrastructure
at a wartime pace. Whether or not this requirement becomes reality
in the tiny interval remaining before it's too late, 3-10 years, we
can still work to change our own habits, and to build the resilience
of our local communities. Some of those communities are destined for
early dissolution, especially coastal communities that are already
vulnerable to frequent storm surges from rising sea-levels. But
others, like my own in Southern Appalachia, have a fighting chance,
at least for awhile. International climate diplomacy aside, climate
change happens at the level of the entire earth system, so even if
some places are spared the initial onslaught of the awakened giant of
climate disruption, refugees, some armed and desperate, will converge
on them soon enough. Stark questions of sufficient water, food and
shelter will ensue. This is already the reality in the Middle East and
East Africa.
The issues
associated with rapid climate change are inescapable. It's just that
with a Trump presidency looming on the horizon, they are coming at us
even faster than we had hoped. And those we would educate and
encourage to act mutually for the sake of our community, whether it
be local, national, or global, are now in power, ready to entrench
the very interests that are threatening global climate stability.
Our task is huge, and it involves some fundamental actions. First,
we must accept the new reality of a Trump presidency and everything
that entails. Secondly, we need to redouble our efforts at grounding
ourselves in a greater Reality, so that we are less effected by the
tides of change, the pain, angst, and loss. Thirdly, we need to each
find our place of resistance to the new regime, sharing with others
our process of discernment among the range possibilities available.
My next post will
outline my own personal choices along this spectrum within the rich
context of possibility in the international network for sanity,
resilience, and resistance. A key immediate opportunity is to
support the camp at Standing Rock, the Sioux water-keepers who are
risking their lives to block deployment of the Dakota Access Pipeline
(DAPL) through their Missouri River watershed and sacred sites. As
they prepare for the harsh North Dakota winter, they need food,
water, firewood, warm clothing and bedding, and reinforcements. They
also need contributions to their
legal defense fund. I am happy
to report that a benefit at the Celo Community Center just down the
road this past weekend raised $900 for the fund.
Standing Rock is
the spear-tip of the phalanx constituted by the
global climate insurgency (Jan 18 post). It is a pivotal community of civil disobedience
against the infrastructure being laid for a new era of fossil fuels,
the fracked oil and gas from the Bakken (Dakotas), Marcellus (NY,
Pennsylvania, and West Virgina) and Permian (West Texas) deposits.
Resistance groups are sprouting up along all of these proposed
pipeline routes. The attorney general of New York, backed by the
governor, has ruled against fracking in that state. But civil
disobedience, followed by consistent use of the necessity defense at
trial, remains our chief legal tool, in the US as well as globally.
Labels: climate insurgency, climate justice, DAPL, George W Bush, Jimmy Carter, Nixon, Paris Accord, Reagan, Republican platform, Roberts Court, Standing Rock Sioux, Thomas Berry, Trump
# posted by Robert McGahey @ 12:18 PM