At this mornings
meditation, a solitary warbler flew into my visual field. I was
filled with gratitude, made more acute by the following emotion,
regret that it was only one bird. I thought back to William
Bartram's eighteenth-century description of great flocks of birds
flying overhead in North Carolina, so thick that he could hardly see
the blue sky behind them. Today, if you were a film director
shooting that scene, you'd be hard pressed to corral that many song
birds from the whole western part of the state.
Not only are we well
into the Sixth Extinction, with rates 1000x greater than the rate
when we emerged in Africa, but the numbers of wild animals are dropping precipitously. By 2020, scientists predict that we will
have lost 2/3 of their total number. We are already past 60%.
This data reinforces personal anecdotal experience: numbers of
butterflies and moths have dramatically decreased in rural WNC since
I was a boy. And I know that the decline in insect numbers radically
affects bird populations. In
The Moth Snowstorm, Michael Mc
Carthy speaks of the loss of
the “moth snowstorms” many of us remember from the 50's, when our
car headlights revealed thick clouds of them every evening. Have you
noticed how many fewer bloodied insect carcasses there are on your
car hood? Soon, even the Jains will be able to drive our monster
fossil-devouring vehicles without collateral damage to the web of
life, because the web will have ceased to exist, replaced by a motley
grid with large, sagging holes.
EO Wilson, father of
sociobiology, who has worked tirelessly for wildlife habitat
preservation and teaching ecological values (he
calls it biophilia),
used to advocate saving pockets of high biodiversity here and
there over the planet. After a talk he gave at nearby Warren Wilson
College several years back, I asked him whether he had thought about
what might happen to these small biodiversity jewels in the era of
climate change. Would not some of these third world pockets move
into urban areas as climatic zones shifted? He waved off my
question, saying that introduced too many variables. “One problem
at a time,” he said.

Wilson has now had
time to think this one through, and his response is a bold proposal
for saving half the earth for wildlife habitat, laid out in his
forthcoming book, Half-Earth.
These preserves would feature both north-south and east-west
corridors to allow migration in response to climate shifts. His idea
builds on the longstanding proposal for a “buffalo commons” in
the upper Midwest, possibly extending southward into the vast
interior of North America. With 15% of the world's land already set
aside as natural parks and preserves guaranteed by governmental
action, we have a start. I have not read the book yet, but in the
reviews I have seen, the proposed areas for these protected lands are
in North America, where the work has already begun by private
conservationists (Ted Turner's Flying D in Greater Yellowstone and MC Davis's Nokuse in the Florida Panhandle), and Europe, where the European Green Zone has
worked for a dozen years to promote setting aside a corridor along
the old Iron Curtain, including 20 countries. The idea is stunning in
its boldness, and a salutary antedote to the bad news about both
species loss and rapidly dwindling wildlife populations, with the
loss of 10% of remaining wilderness in the last two decades
amplifying the pressure on habitat.
I must say that, as
soon as I read about Wilson's proposal, I wanted to see the plan for
Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and China. I expect it would not
be hard at all in Australia, and am aware of progress in Central and
South America that could form a sound foundation for such a plan. Is
there the political will for such a project in heavily populated
China and India? Indonesia, where palm plantations sprig up, despite
legal restrictions? What will happen to the rural poor? Does Wilson
and others who share his vision envision any human sharing of this
set-aside space, or does he see it as the pure and pristine preserve
of other species? Does the proposal integrate the pioneering
conservation work that includes indigenous people in monitoring the
territories, while also making a living? Their participation in
planning the set-asides and monitoring a half-earth zone seems
absolutely critical to having a chance for such plan to work. These
are all important questions in the context of anthropocene realities,
and I plan to return in this blog with an analysis of his discussion
on these issues. I do find it troubling that one reviewer (Guardian,
April 11 2016) faults Wilson for the lack of specifics on how
to implement his plan.
I started this blog
during the George W. Bush years, and it matured during the Obama
administration. I was highly critical of him during his first term,
but ended admiring him for his work against the grain towards
stabilizing the climate during the second. Now the unthinkable has
happened, and everything we work for as earthkeepers is at risk under
the upcoming
Boy-King's administration. Resistance is in order, but I also plan
to engage the few Republican senators (Lindsey Graham SC, Lamar Alexander TN, and Susan Collins ME) who are on record accepting
anthropogenic climate change. NC's own “moderate” Republican,
Richard Burr, has made carefully moderated comments on climate in
the past, and his office worked quietly with Democrat Kay Hagan while
she was in office on renewable installations in the state. He will be
hearing from me very soon, as will Lindsey Graham.
But even if we have
four years of serious backsliding on carbon emissions in Washington,
there is a
campaign sponsored by Avaaz for counteracting the Trump attack: big states and big cities ramping up their shift away
from fossils. California alone is the sixth biggest economy in the
world, and continues to lead the way on renewable energy, vehicle
emissions, and other initiatives to stabilize climate. Other
countries – Japan, Canada (finally, under Justin Trudeau), several
South and Central American nations, and the politically vulnerable
European Union – will continue to do their part. But if China and
India become shirkers along with the US, then we are in jeoparday of
losing any possibility of turning the tide of warming, for some of
the positive feedback loops have already begun, and time is almost
Pray for your
Mother, and love and appreciate every gift you have from her while
you can. Today, I'm especially thankful for those incomparable songbirds.Labels: biophilia, Boy King, climate change, EO Wilson, Half-Earth, Lindsey Graham, MC Davis, moth snowstorm, Nokuse, sixth extinction, Ted Turner, wildlife decline, William Bartram